3D Printing Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the frontline NHS staff

Necessity is the mother of invention! Due to shortage of the much needed Personal Protective Equipment (PPE) for the frontline healthcare workers dealing with COVID-19 patients 24/7 , everybody started to think out of the box to find an alternative, effective, quick and affordable solutions!

Hence, 3D printing technology became a very reliable tool to be used for that purpose. A tool that we in the surgical discovery centre are privileged to own and master its techniques.

Yesterday, Professor Matthew Allen started 3D printing parts necessary for manufacturing face-shields (visors) to be donated to the NHS .

Thanks to the clever Josef Prusa, the designs STL files are now available to download for free.

If you have access to a 3D printer or you know someone who does, please start your mini-production line as well! It can be done from home, at times like these every effort matters!

There are many local groups who are happy to collect, assemble and distribute the 3D printed shields.

Stay safe & healthy!